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Cutting Back Caffeine

Q:I drink at least 6 cans of a diet soft drink that is high in caffeine. My heart rate has increased and I decided to decrease the caffeine,allowing myself only one can each day. The first day I stopped drinking it, I had a splitting headache, felt dizzy and not at all well. Does the caffeine keep me healthy, and will I get sick if I stop it?

A: Your body and brain adjust to your diet of food and beverage, and when you make a dramatic change, you can expect to feel strange. Caffeine is very addictive, and your brain has become accustomed to its daily dose of caffeine. When you stop abruptly, you will get headaches and generally not feel well.

If you want to cut back on the caffeine which is affecting your health, do it gradually. Cut back one can for a few days, then another can, and so on until you are drinking only one can each day. This gives your brain and body the opportunity to adjust. By gradually decreasing the caffeine, you will be more successful making this a lifestyle change and staying with your lower caffeine intake.

You might consider adding a small amount of ginseng supplement, to keep your energy strong without causing side effects. I suggest the dried sliced ginseng root which you can chew if you crave the soft drink.

I hope this is helpful to you and that you can safely cut back on your caffeine. Please write back to let me know how you are doing.

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