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Weight Management for Life

Q:I have tried so many diets and none of them work for me. Yes, I lose some weight but I always go back to the way I used to eat and my weight loss never lasts. What can I do to lose weight and keep it off?

A: Diets don't work.

To lose weight, you need to take in fewer calories than you burn up during the day.

And you need to make this kind of eating for weight management a part of your lifestyle.

You can begin by eating your regular foods, but eating one third less. You take one third of the food you are going to eat for a meal off your plate, then eat only what is on your plate.

There is more information about weight management for life by simply reducing the amount of food you eat each day on this page, click here.

There is also information about how you can snack, but manage your snacking.

Good luck, please let me know how this works out for you.

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