Calm Spirit
Chinese Medicine and Magnets

The Chinese discovered magnets and used them in compasses. Chinese healers learned magnets could be used to influence the polarities of the energetic flow to manage pain and other ailments.

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, the Yin (blood and fluids) and the Yang (Qi) flow through the channels. Yin and Yang are opposing forces like the positive and negative poles. When they are out of balance Qi is obstructed and pain and disharmony occurs. The use of magnets helps to balance the qi, and then can alleviate pain and other acute and chronic medical conditions.

Some of the medical conditions that respond very favorable to magnets are headaches, including migraine headaches, chronic pain, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, hot flashes during menopause, menstrual cramps, arthritis, carpal tunnel pain, low thyroid functioning. Magnets can be placed on the area that hurts or needs help, or you can wear magnets as a necklace, bracelet, anklet or headband.

Calm Spirit discovered a very versatile magnetic piece of jewelry that can be worn as a necklace, bracelet, headband or anklet. It is 38" long, and can be wrapped around many areas of the body.

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The natural magnets are mixed with colored freshwater pearls and silver. The seven colors of pearls also are related to the seven chakras (energy centers) of the body. To make your healing more effective, you can meditate on the chakra centers as you wear your jewelry.

Matter, energy, magnetism and electricity and Qi are all the same. They can all exert an influence on each other. In Chinese doctor's energy emits a force on the patient's channels to facilitate the movement of Qi, Blood, and Fluids and promote healing. The Magnets are like miniature traveling Chinese healers that continually keep Qi flowing freely and allow healing to take place.

This magnetic necklace can be wrapped around the head one and a half times as a headband, under the hair, over the top of the head and ending behind the ears for a beautiful piece of hair jewelry.

This one piece is a beautiful and therapeutic magnetic necklace, magnetic bracelet, magnetic anklet and magnetic headband. Healing chakra colored pearls, and magnets, a Calm Spirit natural healing tool.

However, if you wear a pacemaker, are pregnant, have metal plates, stints, or pins, have epilepsy, or choclear earplants, you should avoid
any kind of magnets.

The ordering section is on the Ying Yu Jade website, you will be redirected when you click on "order"

Item #CHAK-MAG Price $25 Order

More Magnetic 37" Strands

Translucent green jade beads and magnets make this a very balancing healing strand
Item #MAGN-JADE Price $20 Order

White natural pearls and healing magnets
Item #MAGNB-WP Price $18 Order

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Ying Yu Chinese Jade