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Chinese Medicine Pillows
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Medicine pillows have been used in China and Asia for centuries. I purchased a medicine pillow at the Tong Ren Tang Pharmacy in Beijing during my July 2005 trip. The pharmacist told me that most medicine pillows have herbs for general good health, but that different herb combinations could be used depending on the needs of the person who will use it.

The medicine pillow I purchased was a contoured foam pillow, with a cover, and inside a pocket was attached to the pillow where the herb packet was inserted. The pillow itself is very uncomfortable. Most people like their own pillows, so I had this medicine pillow designed. It is approximately 14X8 inches, and silky Chinese brocade so the medicine pillow will slip into your own pillow case. The smaller herb packet is in the back of the pillow and there is a layer of batting inside the pillow so the herb packet won't feel lumpy and bumpy. It is large enough so that it won't slide around and bunch up under your pillow case. The silky brocade is probably not washable, so your pillow case cover will keep it clean.

As an update, when I returned to the Tong Ren Tang pharmacy in 2006, the medicine pillows were all made very similar to the style Dr Li and I designed.

The herb packets include a variety of Chinese herbs and for extra qi (energy) I have includes some jade pieces. Your medicine pillow can be ordered for your specific needs

  • Better sleep
  • Healing chronic illness
  • General wellness and energy balance of body, mind and spirit

The Chinese medicine herbs used in the pillows are not necessarily the same herbs that medicine would be made from. The herbs are selected for their beneficial qi energy, fragrance, and some aromatherapy from Chinese herbs and oils may be used.

For additional health benefits, you can use the medicine pillow with your jade pillow cover . They were designed to work well with the size of the
Ying Yu Jade pillow covers.

It is my pleasure to be able to offer these medicine pillows to you. They are a Calm Spirit/Ying Yu Jade exclusive. Please allow two days after order for your pillow's herbs to be custom packaged for you. Each pillow is hand made and the cover color and pattern will be different. These are personal products made individually for each order with fresh herbs, and no returns on these.

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