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Human Brain-It Grows, Changes and Heals Itself

Q:I know people who have had brain injuries, and some get better, some don't. What can someone do to help heal their brain? And what can I do to keep my brain healthy?

A: What we have learned about the human brain in the past few years is amazing, and gives insight to how the brain works, and what we can do to keep our brain healthy, and help to heal a brain that has been hurt.

Neuroplasticity, or the brain's ability to adapt and change through life, is gaining increased attention in the medical field. Neuroscientists used to think of the brain as a machine, which meant doctors could do little to help those with brain damage. But understanding neuroplasticity, we now know the brain builds new connections between brain cells when part of it is damaged.

As we age, our brain changes and it needs exercise to keep healthy, otherwise parts of the brain become stagnant and don't seem to work properly. Things that strain your brain include sleep deprivation, multitasking, stress, concussion, some medications and sleep aids, general anesthesia.

Some neurology centers offer "brain physicals", using one-on-one techniques that include puzzle making, paper and pencils work, and a few computer questions. The cost is around $600. Based on the results, simple and individualized strategies are given that usually focus on three key areas:

  • Strategic attention: the skill to block out distractions and focus on what is important. Exercises might include taking stock of your environment, identifying what distracts you and eliminating it, and making daily priority lists
  • Integrated reasoning: the ability to find the messege or theme in what you are reading, watching, or doing. Exercises might include reflecting on the meaning of a movie after you watched it and writing down your interpretation
  • Innovation: the vision to identify patterns and come up with new ideas, fresh perspectives and multiple solutions to problems. Exercising might include classic brainstorming, talking to others to get their perspective on a problem, and being able to step away from the problem to give your self space to for creative thoughts.

There is always research going on regarding the brain and how it works. As you can see, there are things you can do to keep your brain healthy. And there is always hope that your brain will heal after a brain injury



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